07 September, 2009

Ornamentation For Casual and Elegant Wedding Invitations

Ornamentation For Casual and Elegant Wedding Invitations
A casual but elegant wedding invitations with natural color. Completed with wedding etiquette within. It can help your guest about the rules in your wedding day.

  1. Don't assume that the couple knows you're coming to their wedding. You must send back your reply card before the "Reply by" date.
  2. If you have declined an invitation, you are not expected to send a gift.
  3. If you arrive at the church during the procession, you should wait until the bride has gone down the aisle before entering. Also, don't peek through the doors to watch because you'll be in her photos.
  4. If you are late for the ceremony, you should walk down an outside aisle and find a seat quickly and quietly.
  5. If you are of a different faith, you are not required to participate in the rituals, but if you want to that's fine.
  6. You have to buy the couple a gift.
  7. The gift should be something that they can both use.
  8. If you have sent a wedding gift through the mail, then you don't have to bring another one to the reception.
  9. It's wise to give a cash gift to couples that are getting married out-of-town because they will have to ship everything back home and that's an added cost to them.
  10. Many couples that have lived together for awhile will not register for gifts. That's because they already have everything they need. In this case, cash in a wedding card is appropriate.
  11. Guests pay for their own transportation and lodgings.

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