25 August, 2009

Pros and Cons of a Calligraphy Wedding Invitation

elegant wedding invitations cards
Calligraphy is probably one of the most traditional method of creating a wedding invitation. In the past, monks would help the couples to write the wedding invitation with calligraphy. Although mass production of wedding cards is possible with the advance in printing technology, some couples will still opt to have a calligrapher to have the cards hand-written. On the other hand, some couples will hire a printer to make the wedding invitation that looks like a calligraphy invitation.

In fact, a calligraphy wedding card is an interesting and perfect invitation. However, there are also some disadvantages of a calligraphy wedding invitation. In the article, the different advantages and disadvantages of such a wedding card will be discussed. It is hoped that by reading this article, readers can have a better understanding about the pros and cons of calligraphy wedding cards. This will certainly help in the decision making process of the couple when they are planning the wedding stationery.

The most natural way of making a calligraphy wedding card is to hire a calligrapher to write the contents of the cards. By doing that every wedding card will be a unique one because every card will be slightly different from one another. You can also feel a kind of human touch since the cards are all hand-written.

Some couples may find that hiring a calligrapher to write all the cards out of their budget. In this case they can consider hiring a printer to help them to make the invitation look like a calligraphy one. Even if budget is not a problem, some couples will still go for this option because they would like to have all the cards identical. In fact, being identical can also be an advantage of this option.
There is no doubt that a calligraphy wedding invitation card can be a perfect card. However, there are also some disadvantages for this option. Unless you are a calligrapher, you will have to hire a calligrapher. It will certainly cost you a fortune since all the cards have to be hand-written.

Moreover, you will need to prepare more spare blank cards for the calligrapher. You may need to prepare two hundred and eighty blank cards if you would like to have two hundred cards written. This is because the calligrapher is a human being and he or she may write some cards wrongly.

If you are going for the choice of hiring a printer to make your wedding invitation look like a calligraphy one, you can certainly spend less when comparing to the option of hiring a calligrapher. However, the printer may only provide computer fonts for you to print the wedding invitation. In this case you will have less options and control on the style of the calligraphy.
In order to balance between the cost and the quality of a calligraphy wedding invitation, you can consider hiring a calligrapher to write one card for you. You can then hire a printer to scan the writings for you and have it printed. In this case you can still get a real calligraphy with a lower cost.

Author: Jerry Leung of Free Wedding Invitation Templates.

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